VOTD: 3 Doors Down-“When You’re Young.”


3 Doors Down is one of my mom’s favorite bands.
So by default I love them too, having listened to them a ton.
I’ve been slacking off at my CD buying this year, and I don’t have the new album yet, but it’s on my ever growing list of “CD’s I need to buy, ASAP.”

The problem is now, and has always been money. I can’t justify  spending hundreds of dollars on CD’s right now.
Stupid college.

The only issue I have with this video is that by the end of it I get a little sick of the black and white. I really do like the story it tells though. And I really do love 3 Doors Down. I’m not disappointed with this song at all. Sometimes, bands lose a bit of their edge, but 3 Doors Down is still going strong as far as I can tell.

There are times when I feel like this video is my life. I could get into the entire philosophy of being young, and why young people are getting used by old people, and forced into things they don’t want to do. I feel like that every day as far as college goes. It’s really easy to let people who are older tell you what’s right for you because you think they know best. As a writer I’ve been struggling with that a bit since I came to college, but I decided really early on that I wasn’t going to let my professors tell me what to write. They wanted to. They also like to assume that either we won’t make any money writing, or we’ll end up working 9-5 in a cubical.

And hey, maybe their right, but I don’t like feeling like my future is being decided for me.

Also, my job does this too, but we won’t go there. This is a music blog after all, not a “I’m going to rant” blog.

So, listen to 3 Doors Down and the message in this song.

Don’t let “the man” get you down, man.